Thursday, December 15, 2011

Reba is on the town and decided Emo was her thing.

Reba is the avatar moniker of the Reba templates. Reba will be available in a variety of styles and holiday regalia. You can literally dress Reba up in many different ways, yet still retain the same look all year round. Be recognizable, yet keep your look fresh.

Reba is a customized avatar that has been designed for a book blogger or reading enthusiast's blog template. Her avatar will be used in many templates so you can change them up throughout the year. Her avatar can also be used for your twitter or facebook profile pic and those icons will be included in the download package. 

The template is completely customizable and you can use template designer with it. You'll be able to change your layout from 2 to 3 columns, change your main fonts, link colors and font colors, like you would if you used a blogger template. You will not be able to change the Header font and gadget font, because those are customized Google fonts.

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